ISP Internet Service Providers

Cancel Earthlink Internet Service

This page offers the instructions for how to cancel Earthlink Internet service. Just follow these steps for Earth link account cancellation.

Cancel Earthlink Account

  1. Planning on switching to another ISP? If so, it is generally easiest to sign up with the new Internet service provider before cancellation. This way you won't have a gap where you can't access the web. has various pages that can help you select a new ISP, such as our DSL service, dial up provider and cable ISP pages.
  2. If you're a dialup subscriber, you can cancel Earthlink by calling 1-888-EarthLink, which is a toll-free phone number. There are other numbers to call if you are not a dial up user.
  3. For consumer aDSL members, call 1-888-829-8466.
  4. Satellite internet service subscribers should call 1-800-635-0373 for cancellation.
  5. Call 1-866-291-6976 if you're an Earthlink business dialup subscriber.
  6. Dedicated business access services, including T1, T3, Frame, Small Office, sDSL, iDSL and Extended DSL, can be cancelled by calling 1-888-698-4357.

Cancel: AOL - Earthlink - Juno - NetZero - PeoplePC helps you find an ISP, with info on dialup, DSL and cable ISPs. We'll help you select an internet provider, with information on the differences between the various types of Internet access and comparison of popular ISPs of each type.

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